2019-11-20 From Death To Life

Ephesians 2:5  “Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

In this passage Paul describes Spiritual Birth (John 3:1-8) as being made alive from death.  To be “dead in sins” is to have no sense of or love for God, His Church, His People, His Word, or anything that is honest, moral, or godly.  Those who are “dead in sins” are solely motivated by their own carnal lusts and ambitions.  At a moment pleasing to the Lord, He quickens (makes alive) His Children so that they lovingly know the Lord and desire to live moral and godly lives.  When He makes them alive, they instantaneously want to follow Him and learn more and more about Him and they want to please Him by their obedience to Him (John 14:15).  At the instant He makes them spiritually alive, they are lovingly motivated by the Spirit in them to worshipfully serve their Lord.  A key doctrinal point is that, just as a child cannot conceive and birth itself, neither can a person give themselves Spiritual Birth.  Even more so, a person that is dead cannot make themselves alive, neither can a person that is spiritually dead give themselves Spiritual Life.  It is the Holy Spirit of God that gives a person Spiritual Birth, Spiritual Life.  After we are “quickened” “together with Christ”, the more we “take up” our “cross daily, and follow” the Lord (Luke 9:23), the more happy and pleasing are lives become, even though we are often plagued with troubles and tribulations in this present world!