2019-12-12 My doctrine is not mine”

John 7:16  “Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.

The “Jews” in the Temple (John 7:14-15) marveled at Jesus’s education, how well He could speak and how well He knew the Word of God (The Old Testament).  To them, He was simply a common laborer, a carpenter’s son, and an uneducated low-class person from Nazareth.  Thus, they were astonished at His “doctrine”.  When He declared, “My doctrine is not mine”, He was saying, I am not merely a man and I did not receive my education from men; furthermore, “My doctrine” is not the haphazard teachings of some low-class person from Nazareth.  “My doctrine is not mine”, it is God’s “doctrine”; that is, what you are seeing and hearing from me is not some “doctrine” contrived by men; but, it is the Word of God being played-out right before your very eyes.  The “doctrine” of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior reveals Who He is, what He was sent to do, what He actually accomplished while on this earth, what He is doing now, and what He will do in the future.  Also, embodied in His “doctrine” is who we are, how did we get to be who we are, what He has done and is now doing for us, and what the future holds for us.  Those who are blessed to know His “doctrine” should be the happiest people in all the world!