2019-12-16 “when I saw the prosperity of the wicked”

Psalm 73:3  “For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

Like the Psalmist, we can become dreadfully discouraged “when” we see “the prosperity of the wicked”!  It seems to us that the “wicked” perpetually do wicked, immoral, vile, and ungodly things with impunity.  They arrogantly prosper in their wickedness as they corrupt and draw in many followers after themselves, causing their wickedness to prosper even more.  Like “Israel”, “God is good to us” as we strive to obediently follow and serve Him (Psalm 73:1); yet, when we see the undaunted prosperity of the wicked, discouragement can cause our “feet” to slip and make us feel like it is useless to continue on (Psalm 73:2).  This dreadful discouragement was devastating the Psalmist “Until” he “went into the sanctuary of God; then” He “understood … their end” (Psalm 73:17).  There, he was greatly encouraged, for there he learned that “God” “castedst them down into destruction” (Psalm 73:18).  Even as the “wicked” prosper, they are unwittingly imperiling themselves; for, at a moment pleasing to the Lord, He “castedst them down into destruction” (Psalm 73:18).  Again, in our generation, it seems that the “wicked” are gathering a bountiful harvest of wickedness; so, let us defeat discouragement, let us do as the Psalmist did, go to Church, hear the Word preached, learn the Word, and take good courage in the Word of God.  When the Word of God is preached, we learn of His loving care for us and that He is victorious over the “wicked”.  And, let us patiently wait upon the Lord and declare with the Psalmist, “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.” (Psalm 73:28)!