2020-1-8 “Pure religion and undefiled”

James 1:27  “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

The phrase “Pure religion and undefiled” points to a very high level of worship and faithfulness to the Lord, to His Word, and to His Church.  “Pure religion and undefiled” is not “religion” for show, is not the promotion of self, and is not the quest for material prosperity and grandeur.  “Pure religion and undefiled” is worship and faithfulness to our God that is not adulterated with such carnal motives as the lust for recognition and personal glory; it is the things that are important to “God and the Father”.  James gives us three marks of “religion” that is “Pure” “and undefiled before God and the Father”.  First, “To visit the fatherless … in their affliction”.  The “fatherless” refers to children who, for whatever reason, do not have a father.  These children are in great need of love, encouragement, and leadership.  Second, is “To visit the … widows in their affliction”.  The “widows” are those women who have, for whatever reason, lost their husbands.  The “widows” are likewise in need of encouragement and assistance with things that men normally take care of.  Those who have lost their husband or wife can easily become overwhelmed with grief and loneliness; “Pure religion and undefiled” is to console and encourage them from the Word of God.  “To visit” involves more than just stopping by to say hello, it involves taking time to learn about their needs and making arrangement to attend to their needs to the best of our ability.  And, third, “Pure religion and undefiled” is “to keep himself unspotted from the world”; that is, to guard “himself” by subduing all carnal lusts for power and glory among the brethren and never submit to the human tendencies of greed, dishonesty, and immoral behavior.  These things are the duty of us all, not just the Pastor!