2020-11-25 “O give thanks unto the LORD”

I Chronicles 16:34  “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.

This exclamatory exhortation appears in the Bible five times, adding great weight to it.  There is not enough human breath to give enough thanks to our “LORD” for all His provision, His mercy, and His grace.  If the intellect of all men were combined, one could not recount all the Lord’s blessings to us.  Yet, we are charged to and we rejoice to pause and reflect and cry aloud “Thank You Lord”, “Thank You Lord”!  He is “good” to us and “his mercy endureth for ever”!  We live in a country and in a time that is blessed with abundance more than any other country or any other time in the history of this world.  Furthermore, our Lord came into this sinful world and sacrificed Himself to pay our sin-debt; thus, He has Eternally Forgiven all the sins of all His people and will remember them no more.  Tomorrow and every day, “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.”!