2020-2-27 “O when wilt thou come unto me?”

Psalm 101:2  “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

The Psalmist committed himself to godly behavior in every aspect of his life; yet, he hungered for the Lord’s presence with him.  [Many commentators want to alter the wording of this passage to fit their theological bent.]  The contextual truth is that God is not bound to man’s will, He will come to us in a time and in a manner pleasing to Him.  The worshipful challenge to us, is to remain faithfully obedient to God at all times, even in those times in which we cannot feel His presence with us.  Yet, the Psalmist clearly expresses our hunger for the Lord’s presence with us; that is, we hunger for and strongly desire and need to feel that the Lord our almighty God is close by us.  This world holds many pleasures and comforts; but, there is no greater joy than the feeling that the Lord Of Host is right close to us, allowing us to feel His great love for us and His infinite power protecting and helping us and His infinite wisdom guiding us and His Spirit Of Comfort consoling us!  When we cannot feel His presence with us, we like the Psalmist, urgently pray, “O when wilt thou come unto me?”!