2020-3-11 “when the Lord saw her”

Luke 7:13  “And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.

A widow near, the city of Nain, was in the funeral procession, going to bury her only son.  In those days a widow without a son was often destitute as well as broken hearted.  Apparently, she did not know that the Lord God Almighty was near and that He knew about her plight and that He is a loving and compassionate Lord.  Without her even asking, the Lord simply “came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise” (Luke 7:15).  Upon the Lord’s Sovereign Command, “he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother” (Luke 7:15).  As the news that the Lord had raised the widow’s son to life again spread, there was great rejoicing and “they glorified God”!  Let us likewise worshipfully glorify the Lord our God; for, He knows our situations before we even have the sense to ask Him for help, He has great compassionate love for His Children, He has power to comfort us when we are in distress, He has power to lift us up and strengthen us even in the very midst of the worst storms of this life, He has the power to help us when no one else can, He has the power to guide us when we are confused, He has the Power to sooth our broken heart, He has the power to still our fears, He has the power to forgive our sins, He has the power to take our spirits to be with Him when we die, and one blessed day He will exercise His great power to raise the bodies of all His Children to life again and convey them alive to their Eternal Home in Heaven.  Let us, like those with the Widow of Nain, worshipfully glorify the Lord our God.