2020-3-18 “thou, art LORD alone”

Nehemiah 9:6  “Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.

In an absolutely magnificent worship service, the Children of Israel praised the “LORD” for His great leadership, provision, care, and protection.  Under the LORD’s Divine Care they had returned from exile, rebuilt their Temple, rebuilt their City, endure threats, overcome great obstacles, repelled enemies, corrected greed among themselves, etc.  Then, they came together to prayerfully worship theirs and our “LORD”.  In their prayer, they declared, “Thou, even thou, art LORD alone”; that is, in the very face of great and overwhelming earthly powers and authorities and obstacles; our “LORD” showed that there is no god but our God!  All other human powers and authorities pale into nonexistence before Him.  All the great armies of the world wither and fail before Him.  All the great obstacles melt away in His presence.  All human meanness is tamed by His Command.  All illnesses and plagues are subject to His healing power.  All the coldness and hatred of this world simply melts away from His people as He showers His Great and Eternal Love upon us.  Like Israel before us, our gracious, merciful, and loving “LORD” is the “LORD alone”, and by the blessed Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have direct access to our LORD’s Throne of Grace and Mercy!  Our Almighty God has delivered us through great wars, plagues, droughts, floods, financial collapses, and all manner of diseases.  The “LORD” our God is still on His Throne and He still hears our prayers and His grace still abounds.  So, let’s keep praying!