2020-4-24 “the race that is set before us”

The “race that is set before us” is often marked with conflicts and troubles and tribulations and temptations.  The word that is translated to our English word “race”, is also twice translated “conflict”, and once translated “fight”.  In context with those who faithfully endured great tribulations in their lives of service to our God in Chapter Eleven and the “great cloud of witnesses” that are also around us, this word “race” refers to a life of service to our Lord that is fraught with “tribulations” (John 16:33).  It is certain, that our “race” has obstacles and blessings that are common to all Children of God as well as obstacles and blessings that are particular to us individually.  Our great adversary does not want us going to Church, reading our Bible, praying, singing, and fellowshipping together; for, these things are the objectives of our “race” and it is in these things that we are given strength and endurance and joy and peace wherewith we endure and survive the conflicts encountered in our “race”.  We are challenged to use our God-given “faith” to “fight” back against the “tribulations” and “conflicts” we encounter in our Christian “race”.  We are not to give in to them nor allow them to stop us in the course of our “race”!  So, whatever our “tribulations” and “conflicts” are, our Lord is mightier than they are; thus, we run our “race” “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2).  Furthermore, it is in these times of “tribulations” and “conflicts” that we are afforded the opportunity to use our God-given “faith” and show the great strength of it.  No matter how great or severe our “tribulations” and “conflicts” become as we run our Christian “race”, we are to faithfully endure our “tribulations” and “conflicts” and continue to run.  By continuing to run our “race”, even in the very face of our “tribulations” and “conflicts”, is declaring to our Lord that we “love” Him and that we are determined to show our “love” to Him by enduring our “tribulations” and “conflicts” and keeping His “commandments” (John 14:15)!