2020-5-25 The Lord “remembered us”

Psalms 136:23  “Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever:

There are times in life in which we find ourselves in a very “low estate”!  These are times in which dark clouds of despair lurk on the horizon, the haze of confusion dims all joy, the hope of a better day is taken away, we realize that we are weak and frail, and our own unworthiness makes us cry “O wretched man that I am!” (Romans 7:24)!  But, there comes a moment in which our merciful and gracious Lord remembers “us in our low estate” and He lovingly reaches down and draws us up out of our “low” pit and He sets our “feet upon a rock, and” establishes our “goings” (Psalms 40:2).  It is in this blessed moment that our Lord lets us know that He has “remembered us in our low estate”!  When we feel ourselves slipping into “our low estate” pits, let us remember that, in a moment pleasing to our Lord, He will of a certainty remember us “for his mercy endureth for ever”!