2020-5-27 “trust … in the living God”

I Timothy 6:17  “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

It is our human nature to “trust” (depend upon) what we have and can secure with our natural hands and minds and can see with our natural eyes.  But, in our area, over the last couple years we have found that all the wealth and material things we “trust in” can be shaken and even removed from us.  Paul is not advocating slothfulness or laziness; for, he also tells us “that if any would not work, neither should he eat” (II Thessalonians 3:10).  In our country, even the poor are wealthy compared to the impoverished in other nations of the World.  Furthermore, we are protected by the most powerful, well equipped, and expertly trained military ever known to man.  Even with its flaws, we have the best medical system in the world.  And, money is everywhere, if we need more, our Country simply prints it and sends it out!  But, all these “riches” are “uncertain”!  All these “uncertain riches” can be lost in an instant, but our Almighty God, our great provider, remains forever.  Now is a good time for all “God Fearing” people to take a pause and consider where our “certain” “riches” are, where our “certain” strength is, where our “certain” peace is, and where our “certain” hope is.  The Church at Laodicea learned the hard way (Revelation 3:14)!