2021-01-18 “My heart is fixed”

Psalm 57:7  “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.

It is a natural thing to expect that at some point people will break in their resolve and simply give up.  The adversaries of our Lord, His Church, and His People are like ravenous beasts waiting for the Children of God to faulter and break under the perpetual onslaught of wickedness, immorality, deceitfulness, and rejections that are daily thrust upon them.  It is true that “some” have “swerved” (I Timothy 1:6) away from sound Biblical Doctrine and Practice (I Timothy 1:10); that is, they have compromised their faith by allowing unBiblical doctrines and practices to take hold in their lives, in their families, and even in their Churches, which leads them away after man instead of Christ.  It is clear, that the “antichrists” (I John 2:18), along with their vile master, are walking about seeking whom they may devour (I Peter 5:8).  And, it is true that some have swerved away, but not all; for, “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” (Romans 11:5).  Let us all prayerfully resolve and declare, “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed”; that is, “My heart” is uncompromisingly “fixed” upon the Lord, His Word, and His Church – we will not compromise and not swerve away, no matter how great the pressure!  The greater the pressure, the louder and more sincerely we “will sing and give praise” to the Lord our God; for, therein is our joy and our peace.