2021-03-15 – “Happy …help … hope”

Psalm 146:5  “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:

We all want to be “Happy”; for, happiness pushes back sadness, misery, pain, loneliness, shame, etc.  The Children of God are indeed “Happy” when they look to “God” for their “help” and focus their “hope” upon “the LORD”!  When we become distracted and begin to look for “help” from ourselves, from our wealth, from the wisdom of the world, and from government; we will soon find ourselves very unhappy; sad and miserable.  The God that our “hope” rests in can be relied upon; for, He “made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is”, He “keepeth truth for ever”, He “executeth judgment for the oppressed”, He “giveth food to the hungry”, He “looseth the prisoners”, He “openeth the eyes of the blind”, He “raiseth them that are bowed down”, He “loveth the righteous”, He “preserveth the strangers”, He “relieveth the fatherless”, “but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down” (Psalm 146:6-9)!  Furthermore, our “God” reigns “for ever”, in all “generations” (Psalm 146:10); that is, He is reigning right now and has Sovereign Power and Authority over all those things that trouble us!  So, “Praise ye the LORD” and find true happiness “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2)!