2021-07-05 “How is the faithful city become an harlot!”

Isaiah 1:21  “How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.

The Lord portrays the “people” (Isaiah 1:3) of the “nation” (Isaiah 1:4) as “an harlot”.  The “people” of this “nation” are behaving like an unfaithful wife who has sold her affections to others.  She was once “full of judgment” and “righteousness”; but now she has sold herself to immorality, deceit, and evil; thus, she embraces and promotes “murderers”.  The “murderers” are killing the liberty, peace, and joy of faithful service to our Lord, and they seek to destroy anyone who stands against them.  Those who uncompromisingly stand for Biblical morality, integrity, and truth are shunned, stifled, and destroyed if possible.  Over and over again we have such exhortations as, “Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.” (Hosea 6:1)!