2021-08-25 When Belief Is Overshadowed With Unbelief

Mark 9:24  “And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

While we live on this earth, the Children of God have both a human nature and the Spirit of God abiding within them.  Our human nature is plagued with doubts and fears, while the Spirit of God within us assures us of God Sovereign power over whatever our situation is.  Because we are yet carnal beings, our human-carnal nature measures truth and success against what we personally know and can do, and it tends to limit our ability to rest in the will of our All-Wise God.  This broken hearted and fearful father had enough wisdom in faith to bring His sick child to the Lord.  In another case, king David’s faith assured Him that the Lord could certainly heal his sick Child, so he kept right on praying until the child departed this life.  Then, king David’s strong faith made him understand that it was not God’s will to save the child alive; but, by his faith, he also knew that “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” (II Samuel 12:23); that is, his precious child was now in the loving embrace of the Almighty God and one day he would be blessed to join the child in our Lord’s blessed “paradise” (Luke 23:43).  The devil attacks us through our carnal nature, causing us to doubt and fear; much like he did to John the Baptist when he sent his disciples to ask the Lord, “Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?” (Matthew 11:3).  The Lord’s answer to John’s disciples was, “Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see” (Matthew 11:4).  It is the same with us, the more we are shown again and again the things of the Lord, the more our faith’s belief overcomes our carnal “unbelief”.  Thus, we are blessed with Spiritual strength when we make much time to read our Bibles, go to Church, fellowship with the Lord’s people, and participate in the Worship Services.