2021-11-08 “I would not come again to you in heaviness”

II Corinthians 2:(1)-4  “But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness.

In his first Epistle to the Corinthian Church, Paul detailed a multitude of errors in the Church and charged them to make corrections.  A loving Pastor finds it very painful and difficult to bring errors to the attention of the Church where he serves as Pastor; but, sometimes such admonitions are necessary; and, the admonitions must be given out of love for the Church and not with legalistic domination.  Paul was an Apostle with a Pastor’s heart for the Churches that he labored with.  So, he wrote that He “would not come again to” them “in heaviness”; that is, he did not write this second Epistle with such sharp tones of admonition.  Although, he explains that the first Epistle led to them making corrections which is now bringing him much joy.  Godly correction is often painful to the Pastor and to the Church; but, the Pastor is responsible to God to lovingly deliver the admonition, and the Church is responsible to God to lovingly hear the admonition and make the necessary corrections.  Failure to do so, leads to the death of the Church or the Church becoming unrecognizable as a Biblical Church.  Let us pray for loving Pastors committed to the welfare of the Church and for loving Churches anxious to lovingly live and worship according to the Word of God.  When Pastors and Churches “Let love be without dissimulation.” and “Abhor that which is evil” and “cleave to that which is good” (Romans 12:9); the Church prospers, and peace and joy abounds to the glory of our merciful God.