2021-11-23 “our sufficiency is of God”

II Corinthians 3:4  “And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward:  5  Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

True ministers of our Lord’s Gospel are quick to declare “that we are” not “sufficient of ourselves” “but our sufficiency is of God”.  Ministers cannot make themselves preachers; neither can they discern and herald the Gospel Message, nor can they touch the hearts of God’s people without empowerment from the Holy Spirit.  Furthermore, Ministers must be prepared and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to endure the sacrifices and trials that are inherent in their calling.  But, ministers learn very early in their ministry to “trust” in “Christ” Jesus to supply their every need, to send preaching grace, to send endurance grace, and the grace of kindness and love toward the Lord’s people.  When a minister begins to think that he is, of himself, “sufficient” to the duties and preaching of the ministry, he will soon fall in shame.  Whatever our duties are, in the service of our God, there is great peace and comfort and joy in knowing that “our sufficiency is of God”, He will supply our every need!