2021-12-09 “we faint not”

II Corinthians 4:1  “Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;

To “faint not” is to not become discouraged and flee from our God-called duties, not hold back because of opposition, not hesitate when life becomes laborious, and not become distracted by worldly attractions.  This “ministry” is to preach, teach, and live the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; Pastors preach and teach it, we all are to hear it and learn it and live it and tell it at every opportunity.  We serve in “this ministry, as we have received mercy”; that is, we can do none of these things unless the Lord empowers and equips us to do so.  But, as God has empowered and equipped us, we ought to use what He has given us to the maximum extent possible and do all to His glory and not our own.