2021-12-15 “in the sight of God”

II Corinthians 4:2  “But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

To preach, teach, and live the Gospel of our Lord “in the sight of God” is to do it knowing that “God” is watching all we do and is listening to all we say.  Furthermore, our “God” knows the desires of our hearts and the purposes of our minds; He knows whether we are motivated by self-interests or by an overwhelming desire to serve Him; He knows whether we serve to have men’s honor or to honor Him.  “God” knows what the “truth” of His Gospel is, and He has made it available to us and given us the indwelling Spirit to recognize it.  The point is, what are we feeding His Bride and His Children!?  He will only tolerate corrupt doctrines and practices for so long!  He is watching what we do and how we do it and He knows what our motivation is.  Knowing this, we should “be careful to maintain good works” (Titus 3:8) as “God” has prescribed them; in this case, to plainly preach, teach, and live the simple “truth” of His Gospel as He has delivered it to us.