2021-12-23 “For we preach not ourselves”

II Corinthians 4:5  “For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.

Faithful Preachers of the Gospel do not seek glory for themselves, but they earnestly declare the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  They seek no personal glory by title, by position, by attire, or by accolades from those to whom they minister.  Neither do they glorify themselves by claiming to be the cause or even instruments used to obtain Eternal Salvation.  In our day such extrabiblical titles as reverend and doctor have become common.  But, the title “reverend” is used only once in the Bible and there it is a title of God and not man (Psalm 111:9).  The title “doctor” is used three times in the bible, and each time it refers to Jewish teachers of the law, it is never used as a title for Christian ministers.  The most common Biblical title for preachers is “elder” (I Timothy 5:1, I Peter 5:1).  Other words are sometimes used to identify the duties of the “elders”, but they are not necessarily titles.  Faithful preachers declare the Gospel of “Jesus Christ the Lord”, while they present themselves as merely “servants for Jesus’ sake”.  John the Baptist illustrated it this way, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29,36); thus, directing all glory unto the Lord and not himself.