2022-01-04 Therapeutic Fellowship

I John 1:6  “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:  7  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

To have “fellowship” is to be unified and happy partakers together of the common blessings before us.  John presents two forms of “fellowship”; “fellowship with” God and “fellowship one with another”.  These two forms of “fellowship” are themselves unified; that is, we cannot have this blessed “fellowship one with another” without first having “fellowship with” God.  And, we cannot have “fellowship with” God while we “walk in darkness”.  In this context, to “walk in darkness” is to not prayerfully apply ourselves to read and learn the Word of God, not obeying the Word of God, not living according to God’s Commandments for morality and integrity, not going to and being a part of God’s Church-Kingdom where we worship together, and not spending time together as a Church Family.  To have this “fellowship with” God and “fellowship one with another” is to have joy in life, to experience peace in life, to rejoice in the love of God and for one another, and to be happy and contented.  Others are often amazed at us, for we are joyfully encouraged by this “fellowship”, even in the very midst of the most awful tribulations this world can heave at us.  Without this “fellowship” we quickly fall into despair, misery, heartbreak, confusion, discouragement, and failure.  This “fellowship” is indeed therapeutic, for it comforts us in times of distress, sooths our broken hearts, calms our fears, encourages us in times of confusion, consoles us with the sweetness of real love, and directs our minds to the sure promises of our Lord.  Furthermore, when “we walk in the light” of our Lord [worshipful obedience], “the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin”; that is, the same “blood” that “hath saved us” Eternally (II Timothy 1:9), day by day “cleanseth” our hearts and minds “from all sin”; that is, it reminds us that Jesus Christ our Savior hath indeed washed our sins away with His precious Blood, it sooths us when we are overwhelmed by the shame of our sin, it encourages us when we are cast down because of our sin, and it revives our hope when all seems hopeless.  This glorious “fellowship” makes us happy and contented when those who “walk in darkness” are broken and falling in ruin.  It is no wonder that our great adversary does everything in his power to destroy this blessed “fellowship”!