2022-04-05 “Now is the judgment of this world”

John 12:31  “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.  32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.  33  This he said, signifying what death he should die.

The word “judgement” is used many ways in the Word of God, in this case it is used in a legal, judicial sense.  In the purest sense, where there is “judgment”, truth is revealed, and guilt is distinguished from innocence.  “Truth” Himself (John 14:6) is about to be falsely charged and condemned to death in a worldly tribunal guided and driven by evil itself, “the prince of this world”.  The powers of extreme “evil” and Sovereign Good are going to meet for the ultimate battle, a battle like none other before or since.  Our Great “King” (I Timothy 6:15) came to this present “world” to fight this very battle (John 12:30).  There were multiple armies to be defeated in this great battle; it had to defeat sin, defeat death, defeat the grave, and defeat the wicked “prince of this world” along with all his evil minions.  And, this victory was really strange, it would require the “death” and then the Resurrection of the Victor!  The “prince of this world” thought he was victorious for Three Days, then his vile world was shattered in defeat!