2022-06-16 “praying, and confessing my sin”

Daniel 9:20  “And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God;

Such needful praying is not so often heard in our day, where even seemingly good men bow down and earnestly pour out their hearts to God “confessing” their “sin” and the “sin” of their family and Church and community and Country.  The truth is, that even at our best we are yet sinners, unworthy of even the slightest blessing of grace and mercy from our Lord; yet, the “grace” of our God abounds toward us (Romans 5:20) and His “mercies” are “new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23).  We receive a great comfort in “confessing” our “sin” before our God.  He already knows all about our “sin”, but as we are “confessing” to Him, He mercifully sends His Holy Comforter to embrace us and to console us and to assure us of His Everlasting Love for us.  As we rise from such prayer, we often feel ourselves to be wonderfully refreshed, somewhat like we do after we’ve bathed and put on freshly washed clothing.  I perceive a great need for such praying for myself and my Country at this present time!  Let us pray!