2022-07-25 “patience of hope”

I Thessalonians 1:3  “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;

Paul told the Church at Thessalonica that he rejoiced in remembering that they possessed the three great Christian attributes; “faith, hope, charity” (I Corinthians 13:13).  In these passages “charity” and “love” are translated from the same word, which means “love” that is shown by action.  This “patience of hope” is a very interesting attribute of faithful Christian believers.  In old English, the word “patience” connoted humbly suffering, enduring, steadfastness, and persevering in tribulation.  Their blessed “hope” was “in our Lord Jesus Christ”, not that He would empower them with exalted positions in society, business, Church, or Government and not that He would enrichen them with this world’s goods and wealth and not that He would give them a life of luxury and ease; but, in this “hope”, they possessed a sure anticipations that Jesus Christ would one day come from Heaven to take them to their Eternal Home to be forever with Him (I Thessalonian 1:10; 4:13-18).  Out of His “great Love” (Ephesians 2:4) for us, our Lord does from time to time bless His people with great wealth and prosperity.  But, like Israel of old, in periods of prosperity, we tend to become complacent in our worshipful service to our God.  After a while, to correct our complacency, the Lord begins to withdraw Himself, and our “patience” is put to the test.  It seems that our “patience of hope” is once again being tested in our Churches, our communities, and our Country.  This is not a game with God!