2022-08-01 What Was Said About Christians At Thessalonica

I Thessalonians 1:9  “For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God10  And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Their believing neighbors throughout the provinces of “Macedonia and Achaia” (I Thessalonians 1:7) were greatly moved by the practical faith of the Thessalonian Brethren.  They spoke of how they had “turned to God from idols” which was no small thing, because their “idols” were entwined in every part of their lives and had been designed to strongly appeal to their natural senses, desires, and lusts; they were carnally attached to them.  Furthermore, they could see and handle these false “idols”, which afforded them some natural comfort.  But, they left those “idols” “to serve the living and true God”.  The “living and true God” that they could not see with their natural eyes, but could feel in their Spiritual Hearts, Hearts that the “living and true God” had given them!  With their Spiritual Hearts they believed the Gospel Message!  They believed that Jesus Christ is the Son Of God The Father and they waited “for his Son from heaven”; that is, they joyfully believed and anxiously looked forward to that Glorious Day in which He will return to take all His Children to be forever with Him in His Glory (I Thessalonians 4:17).  They believed that the Son of God gave His precious life to save all His people from their sin (Matthew 1:21), but His Father miraculously “raised” Him “from the dead”!  Furthermore, they believed that in His death, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, “delivered us from the wrath to come”; that is, the highly blessed Children of God will never see or experience “the wrath of” God against sin that He will unleash on the last day of this world, for He will have removed His Children from the dreadful scene.  These things the Thessalonian Brethren joyfully believed and announced.  And, when they spread it abroad, many others, who had been “born again” by the Holy Spirit (John 3:1-8), likewise believed and continued sharing the Good News with others!  It is still Good News in our day!  Let’s keep sharing it!