Philippians 2:2 “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.”
A Church living and behaving according to the Word of God is a Church in “one accord”. This pleasant state is somewhat as if Christ Himself was leading the Song Service, and everyone was watching and following Him and singing in perfect harmony, “one accord”. When the Church has all eyes on Christ, following and obeying Him, there is indeed a most pleasant and highly desirable harmony within the Church. Then is when everyone is singing their part, on the right note at the right time; that is, they are “likeminded, “having the same love”, and “of one mind”; for, all minds are focused upon the Lord and not themselves and not the carnal attractions of the world and certainly not the deceptive temptations of the devil. From an Apostolic Pastoral view, Paul refers to this happy state of “one accord” as fulfilling his “joy”! It ought to be the greatest “joy” and most earnest quest of us all to be “of one accord” in our Churches!