2022-11-30 “if in any thing ye be otherwise minded”

Philippians 3:15  “Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

Paul knew that not everyone would understand and completely embrace the full purity and simplicity of Salvation By Grace.  We all do battle with our human nature which lusts for control and authority over things pertaining to us.  But, in matters pertaining to our Eternal Relationship with God and our Eternal Salvation to Heaven, the Children of God are simply the recipients of God’s Grace and Mercy.  Our faithful obedience to our Lord and worshipful works of service to Him are an expression of our Love toward Him (John 14:15); but, cannot possibly meet the high standard of Righteousness required to secure or maintain our Eternal Inheritance; but, our Blessed Lord obtained and endowed us with the necessary Righteousness when He willingly Sacrificed Himself, paying our Sin-Debt, making us Righteous.  Not everyone fully embraces this blessed truth, it is our human nature to claim some control and authority over our Eternal Salvation, but God didn’t and does not allow it.  In Paul’s day many were clinging to various parts of the Old Testament Law Service (works) and some were inventing new works that those who wanted to go to Heaven must perform to obtain and maintain their Eternal Salvation.  But, Paul makes it perfectly clear that at some time and in some fashion, “God shall reveal even this unto you”; that is, “God shall reveal” your error “unto you”.  In our day, it is becoming quite clear that Eternal Salvation by men’s works is failing modern Christianity; Churches are either closing or converting to entertainment and secular business to maintain their assemblies; consequently, multitudes are becoming discouraged and are being driven and drawn away.  Our Country is becoming more and more plagued with gross immorality, dishonesty, deceit, greed, and lusts for power.  Let us pray that our Lord will “open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith” (Acts 26:18).