2023-01-13 “I rejoiced in the Lord greatly”

Philippians 4:10  “But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.

Again, the Apostle Paul’s Pastoral heart shines brightly for all to see.  As any loving Pastor should, he let the Church at Philippi know that he sincerely appreciated the gift that they had sent to him, to assist him in his Apostolic Duties.  For some reason they had not been able to help him for a while, and he let them know that he understood and loved them anyway!  But, now their “care of” him had “flourished again”; that is, they were sending abundant help to assist him in his ministry.  A true Pastor has great respect for the sacrifice people make on his behalf, to help him in his service to the Lord.  I’ve heard numerous accounts of how lovingly the Churches supported their Ministers during the Great Depression, when no one had any money.  In those very difficult times, they would bring their Pastors meat, vegetables, clothes, etc.; whatever they had, they shared with him.  A loving Pastor cherishes every gift, small or great, for they know that there is great sacrifice and love behind the gift.  Not just love for the Pastor, but love for the Gospel and Church and the Lord.  I once visited a Church where there was a very elderly lady; after the services she came up to me and gave me One Dollar.  A part of me didn’t want to take that Dollar, for I knew that she was very poor.  But, I remembered how a precious old Deacon had once chastised me for not wanting to take a gift; for, not taking it, would deprive them of the sweet joy of giving.  So, I took that Precious Dollar and embraced and thanked that Dear Sister as if it were a Thousand Dollars.  Loving Pastors are thankful for the gifts given to them and consider the gifts as an offering unto the Lord for their benefit in serving the Lord and those who are so kindly generous.