2023-01-19 “ye did communicate with my affliction”

Philippians 4:14  “Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction.

At a time when no one else was helping Paul, the Church at Philippi was sending support to him.  He was in prison in Rome and had no means of supporting himself, but the Brethren at Philippi recognized the need and sent “Epaphroditus” to visit with him and to bring him funds and essentials evidently not provided by the prison (Philippians 4:15-18).  Being aware of the sacrifice they were making to help him, like a loving Pastor, he let them know how much he appreciated the help they sent to him.  This help assisted him as he continued his Apostolic duties, even while in prison.  Knowing that they had disadvantaged themselves to help him, with his Apostolic wisdom, he tells them that “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)!  They were not treating their gifts to Paul as an investment, expecting God to reward them with great abundance because of what they had given.  They were simply acting upon the generous heart that the Lord had given them to help with the “furtherance of the gospel” (Philippians 1:12).  But, the truth is, we cannot out-give our Lord!  Our Lord knows the spiritual desires of our heart and He knows our every need.  It is much the same today, the Lord’s people still give, and the Lord still blesses!  Not that I count myself worthy, but through the kindness and generosity of His beloved people, “my God” is indeed supplying my every “need”.  There have been times in which I wondered if I was going to make it, even thinking that maybe the Lord was done with me; but, just about the time that I was about to sink, the Lord would work mightily and, through His loving people, He would mightily deliver me.  I am greatly humbled to be blessed to serve such an Almighty God and His noble people!