2023-02-24 “the children of God are manifest”

I John 3:10  “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

The “born again” Children of God do not need name tags, badges, or special clothing to identify themselves.  The “children of God are manifest” (identified, revealed) by their demeanor and behavior.  They are known by their constant strivings for “righteousness” in their humble attitude, in the kind and meek way they entreat those around them, in their honesty and integrity in business, and the brotherly way they show love to those who are loveable.  Our Lord told His Apostles, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35).  On the other hand, “the children [followers] of the devil” have no interest at all in “righteousness”; they are solely motivated and guided by their lusts and greed.  When they do show brotherly kindness, it will soon come to light that it is simply a cloak to hide some hateful scheme.  The “children of the devil” do not do well when the glorious light of “righteousness” beams forth from “the children of God”.  It is glorious, for “the children of God” do not seek to bring attention to or glorify themselves, they lovingly and worshipfully seek to glorify the Father, the Lord God Almighty (Matthew 5:16).