2023-02-27 Unchanged Message – “love one another”

I John 3:11  “For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

We are reminded that the Commandment to “love one another” is the same “message” that was delivered “from the beginning”; when our Lord Jesus Christ began to be announced by John the Baptist.  This Commandment to “love one another” is like a sustaining fiber, woven throughout the fabric of the Gospel Message, in every generation.  Those who are “born again” (John 3:1-8), inherently have this inward feeling of “love” that motivates them and consoles them.  This Commandment to “love one another” implies acting upon our God-given “love”; behaving and acting in ways that constantly assure and encourage our Brethren and Sisters with the knowledge that we love them and that we will stand alongside them in both the pleasant and the troublesome times.  Our Lord Jesus Christ set the pattern of Brotherly “love” for us to follow!