2023-04-18 “love is of God”

I John 4:7  “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

God created mankind to “love”, and even unregenerate people “love” all kinds of things and people like them.  This carnal “love” is most often associated with lusts for sensual things, power, wealth, glory, notoriety, recognition, fame, etc.  Past wars have shown that, even the most wicked and vile leaders can garner “love” and allegiance from great multitudes by appealing to their carnal nature.  But, John writes of a High Order of “love” that has only one source, it “is of God”.  This “love” is not fickle, it is sure, it is steadfast, it is Eternally Enduring, it is sweet to our spiritual taste, it yields humility and kindness and mercy and grace toward others, it is the irresistible force that binds us to God and godliness, and it is the overwhelming power that draws us to God’s Church and His Gospel.  When the Holy Ghost (Spirit) gives us Spiritual Birth (John 3:1-8), He also instills this powerful “love” within us that compels us into His Service and worshipful obedience to Him.  “We love him, because he first loved us.” (I John 4:19); we cannot develop this “love” ourselves, another person cannot give us this “love”, physical things do not cause this love, neither do the testimonies or enticements of men develop this “love”!  The only source and cause of this “love” is God Himself and we cannot control God (John 3:8) to make Him give this “love” to ourselves or to another person.  In this phrase, “love is of God”, the word “love” is the “love” that results in action.  It doesn’t take long before a person that has this blessed “love” can recognize it in another person.  When it is recognized, there is immediately a spirit of fellowship and Brotherly Love.  As in this passage, the Gospel teaches us to act upon this most precious “love”!  At this time, in our Country our communities our families our Churches our work places our schools etc., we need to be strongly acting upon this most Holy Love!