2023-04-27 “that we might live through him”

I John 4:9  “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

One of the manifestations of “the love of God toward us” is “that we might live through him”.  In this context, to “live” is to have a life worth living, a life that has been given Spiritual Life by the Holy Spirit (John 3:1-8), a life in which we feel and experience “the love of God toward” us, a life in which we “know that” our “redeemer liveth” (Job 19:25), a life that is abundant in the Holy Things of our “God” (John 10:10), a life that “consisteth not in the abundance of the things which” we possess (Luke 12:15), a life that “is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment” (Luke 12:23), a life “that believeth in” Jesus Christ (John 11:25), a life in which we cast all our cares upon our Lord for “he careth for” us (I Peter 5:7), a life that lives in anticipation of the Blessed Day in which we “shall … live” Eternally with our Lord (John 11:25), and a life that is filled with contentment for when we call upon our Lord He will hear and help us even in the midst of our “distress” (Psalms 4:1).  Such a blessed life can face the lion’s den and the fiery furnace and great enemies and the shame of sin, and heartbreak and fear and loneliness and sadness and sickness and devastation and persecution with a sense of peace and anticipation of better things to come; for, the Lord God Almighty is our “good shepherd” (John 10:11).