2023-05-18 “dwelleth in love dwelleth in God”

I John 4:16  “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

To dwell “in love”, in this context, is to both feel “love” and to show it outwardly by speech and deeds.  Those who live (dwell) in “love” feel it in their hearts and demonstrate it as a normal way of behaving.  They are known for showing “love” and they attract others who also dwell “in love”.  It is a pleasing experience to be in the presence of those who dwell “in love”.  Because “God is love”, those who dwell “in love” are constantly showing that they are of “God” and that they are motivated and guided by “God”; for, they dwell “in God” and “God” dwells “in” them.  Anyone can be mean and hard-hearted, but it takes the indwelling of “God”, God-given “faith” (Hebrews 12:2), to dwell “in love”.  Furthermore, it takes more strength to dwell “in love” than it does to dwell in meanness, because meanness just comes natural without God-given “love”.  This blessed “love” is both seen and felt by all who come in contact with them.  This mutual indwelling denotes a Holy Union with “God”, that “God” Himself actuates when He gives us Spiritual Birth (John 3:1-8).  Those who have this blessed Holy Union with “God” rejoice to assemble together and are bound together by their God-given “love”.  The highpoint of their lives is to come together for worship and fellowship where they openly and freely show their “love” for “God” and for each other.  One of the great joys of my life is to watch as the Church assembles with warms smiles and embraces and expressions of “love” one to another.  Let’s not allow the coldness and meanness of some in the world to hinder the feeling and expression of our God-given “love”!