2023-06-22 “Meeting Day”, by Brother Ron Colson

Meeting Day

Today, you stand before God’s folks, the chosen and redeemed

to feed them from the word of God, by whom you’ve been esteemed.

Speak boldly when you break the bread, you’ve studied through the week

that each one might be edified, as their Christ’s face they seek

And follow as God gives you light though other thoughts you’ve planned

for He knows what they need to hear. Let this be your command

Use parables as He has done. Explain as you deem right

and know that most will understand, well, all he’s given sight

For you’re not speaking to the lost: Souls are not yours to win

You’ve been called to feed his sheep, those who’ve learned they have sinned.

Their appetites, He’s whetted, for His manna from above. 

So, praise Him with each word you speak, and tell them of His love

Tell them of the precious Son who died upon the cross

And of each one He died there for, not one will e’re be lost

But how, upon that final day, each one He’ll raise, on high.

To there forever dwell with Him, in that sweet by and by!

By:  Brother Ron Colson.  Written for his Son, Elder Ron Colson, Jr.