2023-07-25 “found of thy children walking in truth”

II John 1:3  “I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

Here again, the focus of a true Pastor’s heart is revealed.  True Pastors diligently labor to preach and teach the “truth” of God, and they rejoice “greatly” when the Church members are “walking in truth”.  In this context, to walk “in truth” is know the “truth” (Gospel) of Jesus Christ and to transform (Romans 12:2) every aspect of our lives to it.  To transform our lives is to reject and turn away from carnal motives and behaviors, and humbly strive to obey our Heavenly Father’s Commandments.  His Commandments include such things as reading and learning His Holy Word, teaching His Word to our Children, faithfully attending His Church, taking every opportunity to testify of Him, being honest, being humble and meek, having a moral character, and actively loving one another.  Let us be “found … walking in truth” as faithful Children of God!