2023-09-20 “dear fellowservant … faithful minister of Christ”

Colossians 1:7  “As ye also learned of Epaphras our dear fellowservant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ8  Who also declared unto us your love in the Spirit.

Epaphras”, at some point, was Paul’s “fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus” (Philemon 1:23).  Paul describes “Epaphras” as “our dear fellowservant” and “a faithful minister of Christ” for the Church at Colosse.  As a “fellowservant”, along with the Apostles and other Ministers, he was energetically preaching and teaching “the grace of God in truth” (Colossians 1:6).  The joy of serving alongside “faithful” ministers of our Lord’s Gospel is a joy beyond description.  Brethren from all walks of life, various education levels, some wealthy and some poor, and some prominent and some hardly known are bound together as “faithful” ministers “of Christ”.  They joyfully endure many hardships and personal sacrifices to be “faithful” ministers “of Christ”.  Along with their God-given gift of the Ministry, the Spirit of God fills them with a mighty love for the Lord, for His Church, for His Gospel, for His people, and with the Lord’s “love” for them.  Paul calls this a constraining “love” (II Corinthians 5:14); that is, it is a powerful force that motivates and animates them into the Lord’s service.  From my earliest childhood, I’ve enjoyed many pleasant hours sitting quietly by and listening to such blessed Ministers speak of the things of our Lord and share their experiences and understanding of the Word of God.  And, even now, I cherish every opportunity to be in their presence.  It is clear that “Epaphras” was just such a Minister, who dearly loved his Church and spoke highly of them; for, he lovingly “declared unto” Paul, and those with him, the Church’s “love in the Spirit”.  Let us give thanks for and pray for our dear Fellow Servants and Faithful Ministers of our Lord Jesus Christ.