2023-10-09 “In whom we have redemption”

Colossians 1:14  “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

The word “redemption”, in this context, refers to the bondage that all of humanity was cast into when Adam, the progenitor of the entire human race, sinned by disobeying God’s Commandment.  Paul clearly explained it this way, “by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12).  The word “death” refers to the bondage that all humanity was cast into when Adam sinned.  The very day that Adam sinned, He died (Genesis 2:17).  To die is to be severely separated from; thus, the same day that he sinned, Adam was severely separated from a paradisial life in the Garden with the Lord, he was severely separated from his innocent state, he was separated from his perfect marital bliss, and he was separated from a life without death; for, immediately his body was cast upon a course of deterioration that would ultimately lead to his natural death.  Thus, he and all his posterity were instantaneously bound under sin’s depravity.  Later in the days of Moses, Israel was also bound under a rigorous Law Service which gave them an intermediate sense of relief from sin’s bondage, and it pointed them toward the coming Messiah Who completely removed all the Children of God from this dreadful bondage.  Notice, the grammar, “In whom we have redemption”; that is, from the very instant in which our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ declared “It is finished” (John 19:30), every Child of God was Eternally Removed from sin’s bondage and from the Law Service bondage, making us perfectly fit for Eternal Heaven with Him.  He purchased all His People out of sin’s bondage by paying the price that no man could pay.  The price for release was the shedding of His Precious “blood” and His “death”.  Thus, we “are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (I Corinthians 6:20)!