2023-10-31 “alienated and enemies … now hath he reconciled”2023-10-31

Colossians 1:21  “And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled  22  In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

The city of Colosse was destroyed by the Turks and disappeared during the twelfth century.  It was located approximately ten miles from Laodicea and was plagued with carnal lusts, various forms of idolatry, and spiritual lethargy.  Even those in the Church had previously been “alienated and enemies in” their “mind by wicked works”; that is, wicked works of lust and idolatry.  But, the Lord did a mighty work among them, bringing about both an Internal and Practical Reconciliation.  Their “wicked works” had caused them to be “alienated and enemies in” their minds.  The Lord “reconciled” them to Himself, bringing about a great change in their minds and hearts (John 3:1-8); He “put a new spirit within” them; and He took away “the stony heart out of their flesh” and He gave “them an heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 11:19).  A “stony heart” has no love for God or godliness and adamantly resists the goodness of God; but, it madly lusts after carnal things.  A “heart of flesh” is alive to the Love of God and receptive to and desires the things of God.  Those who have this God-given “heart of flesh” rejoice in the knowledge that the Son of God loves them with a “great love” (Ephesians 2:4), that He chose them to be His very own, that He gave them spiritual life to know and love Him, and that He saved them to Heaven by his Sacrificial Death.  As with the Brethren at Colosse, this “heart of flesh” compels us to worship God in spirit and in truth, follow the Lord in all His ways, read His Holy Word, attend and be a part of His Church, and obey His Commandments.  Let us “rejoice with joy unspeakable” (I Peter 1:8), knowing that our Beloved Lord has lovingly “reconciled” us to Himself!