2023-12-27 “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth”

Psalms 141:3  “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

How many times have we allowed our anger or hurt or frustration to cause us to speak harshly or with contempt, and later lament that we had said such a thing or spoken in such a vile manner.  Knowing of his own human weakness, David prayed that the “LORD” would “Set a watch” “before” his “mouth” to give him the resolve and strength to control his speech so that he would not ever speak in an evil, offensive manner.  And there are times when it is best that we simply say nothing, so David prayed that the “LORD” would “keep the door of” his “lips”; that is, help him to keep his mouth shut and say nothing when he shouldn’t.  It is absolutely amazing, how, when our speech is seasoned with brotherly love and grace and mercy and patience, that the “LORD” Himself resolves the issue and peace and fellowship is maintained among the Children of God.  But we, like David, need the Lord’s active strength to discipline our attitudes and speech.  Peter put it this way, “Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.” (I Peter 3:11); that is, we must strongly desire and look for “peace” and behave in such a way that we actually work to establish and maintain “peace” among the Brethren.