2024-01-12 Remember Those Facing Tribulations

Hebrews 13:3  Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

True “brotherly love” (Hebrews 13:1) never forgets “them that are in bonds” and “them which suffer adversity”.  In Biblical times, many were “bound” in prisons because of their Christian faith and others suffered all manner of “adversity” with only their Church Family to assist them.  We are greatly blessed in our Country; for, it is unlawful to persecute and imprison people for their religious beliefs.  But, we have entered an era in which, in some areas, Bible believing Christians are shunned and excluded.  We are charged to pray for and help those who face such tribulation because of their Christian faith.  And, in our natural course of life we are certain to “suffer adversity”, sometimes very severe.  We must “Remember” to urgently pray for them and rush to their aide as much as possible.  We are to prayerfully attend to them as if it were our own selves that was “bound”, or our own “body” that was suffering “adversity”.  I’ll never forget that, once when I was a young man, I was living through an awful tribulation, and a young man that I barely knew, came by every day for several weeks, and just sat and talked to me.  This morning, I still weep remembering what his kindness, what his “brotherly love” meant to me.  This kind of “brotherly love” makes a troubled world seem pleasant and lets our “light so shine before men, that they may see” our “good works, and glorify” our “Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

[See the St. Andrew Primitive Baptist Church website for articles and audio and video recordings at: https://standrewprimitivebaptist.com]