2024-01-17 “So that we may boldly say”

Hebrews 13:6  “So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

When the Lord has graciously and mercifully helped us through devastating tribulations, we have good news to share with others.  We ought not to be bashful, but bold, about declaring that “The Lord is my helper”!  We ought not to hesitate to declare the Goodness of our Lord because some do not believe, and some may mock and ridicule.  We must not “fear what man shall do unto” us, but “boldly say, The Lord is my helper”!  Our Lord didn’t hesitate to publicly declare His love for us and to demonstrate it by His actions.  Neither should we hesitate to publicly declare His Majesty, His Glory, and His Great Works.  We must not be Pharisaical (Luke 20:47) and simply have a façade of worshipful faith; for, such behavior is obnoxious and glorifies man instead of God.  But, our worshipful faith ought to simply be a part of our daily discourse!