2024-05-14 “so shall I be saved from my enemies”2024-05-14

Psalm 18:3  “I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

The Psalmist David could have given us a substantial list of his “enemies”; for, he had international “enemies”, “enemies” within his own country, “enemies” within his own family, “enemies” among those who had once been his friends, “enemies” among the devil and his minions, and even “enemies” within his own mind and body.  These were vicious “enemies” that delighted in making him miserable and even sought to take his life.  He could have listed them, but he didn’t because our “enemies” are likewise manyfold, but maybe not exactly like David’s; so, the Lord led him to write this Psalm in such a way that it is understood to be applicable to us all.  Like David, our “enemies” are manyfold, and they miserably trouble us; but, we “call upon the LORD” and praise His Holy Name, and we “shall … be saved from” our “enemies”, whatever or whoever they may be.  It is certain that our Loving Lord, our Good Shepherd will either separate us from our “enemies” or give us the strength and means to “withstand” their “fiery darts” and to “stand” against them (Ephesians 6:11-18), or He will “make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear” whatever our “enemies” throw at us (I Corinthians 10:13)!  Therefore, let us “stand” strong and boldly proclaim, “our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of” the “hand” of our “enemies” (Daniel 3:17)!  We don’t face our troubles and tribulations alone, the Lord is with us!