2024-06-11 “the rod of thine inheritance”

Psalm 74:1  “O God, why hast thou cast us off for ever? why doth thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture?  2  Remember thy congregation, which thou hast purchased of old; the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed; this mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt.

The word that is translated “rod” is often translated “tribe” and sometimes it is translated “sceptre”; thus, in the context of this Psalm, the Lord’s “congregation” is the “rod of” the “inheritance”.  Thus, the “rod” denotes the presence of The Shepherd (Psalms 23:1) with the entire “tribe” of His “chosen” people (Ephesians 1:4), and that our “good Shepherd” (John 10) is also our “King” and “High Priest”.  Therefore, “the rod of thine inheritance” is telling us that Jesus Christ, in every generation, reigns supreme and exercises His Sovereign will and power to Command, to bless, and to chasten for correction; and that, His worshiping people are living evidence of God with us.  When the world sees that God is with His people, their “hearts” “melt” and their “courage” fades, for their recognize that “the LORD” our “God, he is God in heaven above, and in the earth beneath” (Joshua 2:8-12) and they are powerless against Him.  The Psalmist prayed “Remember … the rod of thine inheritance”; that is, we have failed to obey You and it seems that You have “cast us off for ever”; but, please “Remember” “us”; for, we are suffering miserably and we are now ready to worship and serve and obey our Lord God Almighty, so please let us again see and feel and rejoice in Thy loving authority and almighty watch-care over us!