2024-09-24 “thou hast left thy first love”

Revelation 2:5  Remember, Repent, DoNevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.  Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

The word that is here translated to “love”, is exactly the same word that is translated “charity” (I Corinthians 13) which means “love” that is in action, doing those things that rise from our God-given, heart-felt “love”.  Our Lord put it this way, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15); that is, let me see your “love” for Me in your Obedient Actions.  While the Church at Ephesus was going through all the proper motions of faithful worship, they were going through the regimen of religion, but without the zeal and power and faithful commitment that comes from “Love” toward God and His Word and His Church.  Many things can cause the Lord’s people to drift away from their “first love”; such as, self-satisfaction in success, attraction to carnal things and activities, and disturbances in the Church.  Preachers can also cause this fatal drifting away by failing to humbly and prayerfully applying themselves to studying the Word of God (II Timothy 2:15) and preaching what (II Timothy 4:2) the Lord gives them, preferring subjects that might be more intellectually pleasing to the people.  This obedient “love”, or “charity … rejoiceth” in hearing, living, and telling the “truth” of God’s Grace and Mercy; which stands in stark contrast to the gross “iniquity” and false teachings that persists in every generation.  Also, “love”, “charity … rejoiceth” in observing the abounding “truth” in the lives and behaviors of those around us.  “Love”, “Charity … Beareth all things” (I Corinthians 13:7); as Paul bore the thorn in his flesh for the cause of Christ, “charity” joyfully bears whatever thorn may be afflicting our lives.  When “Love”, “Charity” persists in our lives, it gives us a joyful outlook, even as we bear our personal burdens, as we bare any setback that is necessary to continue in our worship and service to our Lord, and as we help bear the burdens and afflictions of others.  “Love”, “Charity … believeth all things” (I Corinthians 13:7); that is, “charity … believeth all”, that is taught in the Word of God, not just bits and pieces of it, and “Love”, “Charity” yearns for every possible opportunity to hear it Preached by God-called, God-fearing Ministers.  “Love”, “Charity” does not pick out only those passages of Scripture that satisfy carnal whelms and desires, it “believeth” the entire Word of God without altering it to fit some personal philosophy.  “Love”, “Charity” is careful to ‘rightly divide’ (II Timothy 2:15) the Word of God, ensuring that each passage is understood and professed within the context that it is given.  “Love”, “Charity … hopeth all things” (I Corinthians 13:7); that is, it trusts the Lord’s promises.  Because “hope” rises from our God-given “faith” (Hebrews 12:2; 11:1); “hope” is the resilient anticipation of those things that God has promised; for example, those who have this blessed hope, live their lives “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;” (Titus 1:2).  Amazingly, “Love”, “Charity … endureth all things” (I Corinthians 13:7); that is, even the troublesome storms that often blow through our lives, and sometimes the storms are devastating; but, “Love”, “Charity … endureth all things”; that is, this magnanimous love continues to shine through even the most ominous storms in our lives.  When afflictions weaken us, when disadvantages hinder us, and when the evil temperament of others discourages us, “Love”, “Charity” survives, for it “endureth all things”!  When a society begins to fail and everything around us seem to be falling apart, “Love”, “Charity never faileth”; when “prophecies” of men fail, “Love”, “Charity” stands strong; when “tongues” [used to spread the Word of God in other languages] fail, “Love”, “Charity” stands strong; and when “knowledge” of the “truth” in those around us begin to vanish “away”, true “Love”, “Charity” stands strong.  “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” (I Corinthians 15:58)!