2020-08-26 “I will shew thee my faith by my works”

James 2:18  “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

The proof-positive that we have God-given “faith” is shown in how we behave in life.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord when it is unpopular in society.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord when it seems that the world is falling apart around us.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord when all hope in carnal things is gone.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord when we are called upon to serve and have little time to do other things.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord when we are tired and weary and can barely keep going.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord and “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33) when other things are important too.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord in showing love one toward another.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord even when it is necessary to take up our cross and follow Him.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord by keeping His Commandments when His Commandments are rejected by those around us.  To “shew” our “faith by” our “works” is to remain faithful to our Lord when we are naturally afraid, hurt, angry, and discouraged.  It takes work to “shew” our “faith by” our “works”!