2020-09-03 “In the multitude of my thoughts”

Psalms 94:16  “In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

It seems that evil absolutely delights in creating confusion, which leads to despair, which leads to discouragement, which leads to depression, …  At the present time, it seems that before we can deal with one peace of bad news, another is flung upon us, and then another, …  The phrase, “In the multitude of my thoughts within me”, means that my mind is full of tangled thoughts of confusing things, so many that I simply cannot sort them out and cannot resolve any of them.  If left unchecked, such a “multitude of” “thoughts” can lead to severe mental problems, unwise decisions, and great harm.  By the grace of our merciful God, the Psalmist was given a resolution, he said “thy comforts delight my soul”!  That is the “Sun of righteousness” (Malachi 4:2) is beaming through my confusion like a bright “Sun” on a foggy day.  When the fog of confusion is at its worse, we simply look up toward the “Sun of righteousness” (our merciful Lord God Almighty), and He assures and comforts us and directs us out of our confusion.  The result is that His “comforts” are a “delight” to our “soul”, and we can begin to see that He is resolving our problems and leading us out of confusion!