2020-12-07 The Attack On “One Nation Under God”

Psalms 9:17  “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Seventy-Nine years ago, today, Japan brazenly attacked “One Nation Under God”, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  Our Nation must never forget the Sailors, Marines, and Soldiers who were killed that dreadful day and in the subsequent war; they were killed by nations frothing with lust for power and cruel domination of other nations.  Indeed, A Giant Was Awakened, the Giant was the Sovereign, Omnipotent Lord God Almighty.  Our God empowered our Nation with such faith, wisdom, resolve, talent, and strength that no nation or group of nations could defeat us.  They tried, we had to fight two full blown wars at the same time, one in the Pacific and one in Europe.  By the power of our Almighty God who strengthened us and taught us to war, we utterly defeated our vile enemies; as king David declared, “Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:” (Psalms 144:1).  The Lord our merciful God moved our Sailors, Marines, and Soldiers to accomplish feats in battle that astonishes the students of military history even to our day.  The armies of our foes were more numerous than ours, they were better equipped than we were, and they were experienced in battle.  Yet, our Almighty God empowered our Nation, with extraordinary power and resolve that extended down to even the lowest ranking Sailor, Marine, and Soldier.  Folks at home were both praying and working together to help, they were unified under God.  Our foes didn’t have a chance, because God was the Awakened Giant in our Nation.  On the other hand, if our Nation turns away from God, even the wimpiest little nation will be able to defeat us!  One of the most common passages used in our day is, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14) – Oh, may the Children of God in our nation sincerely heed this passage!  Religion for show is not pleasing to God, religion for carnal joy and wealth is an abomination to God, spiritual lethargy is rejected by God, gross immorality is met with Divine Destruction, and idolizing things and people will bring the wrath of God (Revelation 2-3).  Let all who have the loving Spirit of God in them arise and issue this national cry, “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.” (Psalms 95:2)!