2021-01-25 “what can the righteous do?”

Psalm 11:3  “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

The “righteous”, in this context, are those who have been “made righteous” (Romans 5:19) before God, by our Lord’s sacrificial death, and who are striving to live in obedience to God; clinging to the Biblical-Doctrinal truth of God, attending and being a part of God’s Church, conducting themselves with humbleness and integrity, and separating themselves from immoral behaviors.  The word “foundations”, in this context, refers to the Biblical-Doctrinal truth of God, and the associated faith in God, allegiance to God, Commandments for moral living, Commandments for honesty and integrity, and Commandments for humbleness and sincerity.  In our day, all of these “foundations” are being shaken in our Country.  Our leaders and prominent people seem to have abandoned these blessed “foundations”, leading our Country down the path of decline and ruin.  So, “what can the righteous do” at such a time as this.  The Psalmist answers his own question, “In the LORD put I my trust”!  Let us hear and take comfort in our Lord’s words, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)!  To “Come unto” the Lord is to “Come unto” Him in faithful and worshipful obedience, ready to serve Him, and steadfast in allegiance to Him and His Word no matter how severe the wicked’s assaults become.  Let it be truthfully reported that the “righteous”, in our generation faithfully clung to the “foundations” of God and would not compromise with the wicked!