2021-03-17 Why “sing praises unto our God”?

Psalm 147:1  “Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.

The Psalmist records manifold reasons to worshipfully “Praise ye the LORD”!  He begins by telling us that “it is good to sing praises unto our God”.  Singing “praises unto our God” is “good” because it focuses our attention upon our “God”, His Word, and His Church.  It is “good” because the rhythm and the words we “sing” harmonize with the God-given Spirit within us, and it satisfies and lifts up our often-troubled souls.  It “is good” because it helps us remember the Doctrine Of Christ (II John 1:9) and His promises and His Commandments.  It “is good” because it encourages us and exhorts us to Biblical Behavior.  It “is good” because “it is pleasant”; that is, it sooths our souls and makes us feel good even when the storms of life are raging about us.  It “is good to sing praises unto our God” because it “is comely”; that is, it is beautiful to see and to experience; it takes our mind off the ugliness of this present world and directs our heart and mind to the beautiful peace of our Lord!  Let us “sing praises unto our God”!